Wellington Trainer's Guide & Services

  • Lynda Alicki- 561-373-9393, AlickiL@bellsouth.net Training and Clinics, Consultation & Sales

  • Jules Anderson- 561-222-5952, teamworkdressageinc@comcast.net , www.teamworkdressage.com Full-service Board and Training from beginners to Grand Prix. Train and lesson under our shade cloth-covered arena in Jupiter Farms. Natural horsemanship expert & 2018 Overall High Point Western Dressage Champion of FL.

  • Maria Aponte 561-847-0042 Mariaalaponte@gmail.com https://www.mariaponte.com World Championships 2022, Pan American Games 2015, 2019, & 2023. Available for lessons, Clinics & Sales. 

  • Mandi Atkins, Madressage11@gmail.com, 757-561-4266, Madressage.com, Training & sales 

  • Katherine Bateson-Chandler - 908-391-9096, Chandlercarlos@aol.com, www.KBCDressage.com Lessons, Clinics and finding the perfect matched horse.

  • Jennifer Baumert - 860-208-6116, cloverleajen@gmail.com, Training, Instruction, Clinics. 2019 Pan American Games, Team Silver, Individual Bronze. USDF Certified Instructor thru FEI. Trainer, Team Coach for Tokyo 2020 Paralympic, Team Bronze rider Rebecca Hart. Now available to take horses in training and develop up thru the levels.

  • Heather Bender - 561-596-1515, tcdhkb@gmail.com, www.HeatherBender.com Our goal at Treasure Coast Dressage is to help you realize your dreams! Heather will customize a training program to fit your needs and budget.

  • Jennifer Benoit - 561-309-7300, www.seahorsewellington.com Board, Sales, Instruction, Training, Showing, Appraisals and Judging services.

  • Bianca Berktold - 203-252-8531, tophorseinc@gmail.com, www.excelsiordressage.com We specialize in sales of top-quality dressage horses! From super up-and-coming young horses to FEI Grand Prix horses. But also offer seasonal boarding.

  • Marco Bernal - 561-906-5069, Maberdressage@hotmail.com Special quality training for horses and riders.

  • Heather Blitz - 561-410-4224, Heatherblitz@mac.com, www.heatherblitz.info

  • Amy Bock - 561-247-4337, amy@amybockdressage, www.amybockdressage.com Full & Partial dressage training, Seasonal dry stall, Shows, Clinics, Lessons - trailer in or travel.

  • Jan Brons - 561-889-8516, JBdressage@hotmail.com, www.JBdressage.com, Teaching, Training, Clinics, Showing all levels.

  • Charlotte Bredahl - 805-350-444, CBredahl@silcon.com, Lessons and Clinics

  • Monica Burssens - 561-601-5292, Mburssens@gmail.com, Training from First level to Grand Prix. Sales

  • Patrick Burssens - 561-309-5310, Burssens@gmail.com, Training from first level to grand prix, Sales, Clinics

  • Santiago Burssens - 561-371-6177, Sburssens@gmail.com, Based in Wellington. Specializing in the development of young horses, as well as sales, boarding, and training through the levels. - Al a carte - Training/ Sales programs - Clinics

  • Dominique Cassavetis - CassavetisDominique@aol.com, 732-476-8790, Training/Coaching, Freelance Riding, will travel.

  • Philesha Chandler Philesha.chandler@hotmail.com Facebook: Chandler Dressage Inc Instagram: Chandler Dressage Lessons thru the Grand Prix Level Sales of Quality Horses Training thru the Grand Prix Level

  • Chanett Chemnitz - 720-442-2838, Chemnitzchanett@gmail.com. Dressage training from youngsters to FEI.

  • Jane Cleveland - 615-533-6742.

  • Annie Cizadlo - 218-349-3452, kodester1@yahoo.com, www.annecizadlo.com, Lessons, training, show coaching, clinics, (all riders, all levels/AA/Jr/Pros). Judging (USEF “S”)

  • Raul Corchuelo - 561-541-1372, www.rancor-dressage.com -Raúl Corchuelo is based at IDA Farm in Little Ranches.

  • Lynne Kimball Davis - 561-312-2045, LKDbronko@aol.com British Horse Society Intermediate Instructor freelance trainer will come to you.

  • Heidi Degele - 561-294-4118, HeidiDressage@aol.com, www.heididressage.com, Imports quality FEI sales horses for dressage amateurs. Located in Deer Run.

  • Micah Deligdish - 321-271-1586, MDeligdish@gmail.com, www.GeminiDressage.com, Training thru Grand Prix at private dressage facility. Offers off-site lessons and training, Sales of Top quality PRE's and warmbloods.

  • Bianca DeLuna - (561)-890-9225 bianca@delunas.com, Licensed Bereiter FN (Warendorf, Germany) Training, Coaching, & Sales Consultations. Young Horses to FEI. Will travel.

  • Luis Denizard - 401-595-5595, dressage.a.delante@gmail.com, www.Delantedressage.com, Training of all levels, Boarding, Coaching, Shows.

  • Sarah Diggin - (216)-702-7026, sfdiggin@aol.com, www.sarahdiggin.com, Training, Riding, Show Coaching, Clinics. Will travel. Proudly based at Havensafe year-round. USDF Gold Medalist, shown FEI. Currently training with Debbie McDonald.

  • Shannon Dueck - 561-723-1374, sldueck@yahoo.com, www.DueckDressage.com, Full board and training of horses and riders from green to Grand Prix. Sales of special dressage horses.

  • Alexandra Duncan - 561-797-9370, alex.dressage@gmail.com, www.alexandraduncan.net, Training, Sales, Clinics, Beginers to GP. Located at Palm Beach Equine Sports Complex.

  • Lisa El-Ramey - 561-662-0519, oakhammockfarm@mac.com, www.oakhammockfarm.com Training level to Grand Prix, S Judge & Equine Appraiser

  • Anna Forbes, AF Dressage, 443-239-2252, Forbesannam319@gmail.com, Full or partial training, freelance riding, flatting hunter/jumpers, rehabbing, also body clipping, and braiding. Will Travel.

  • Carmen Elisa Franco - 954-536-4264, queca@q-equestrian.com, q-equestrian.com, Training Level to Grand Prix. Sales Horses. Specialized but not limited to Iberian horses. Located at May Faire Oaks farm in White Fences, Loxahatchee. Available to travel

  • Camilla Fritze- 310-924-1220, camilla_fritze@msn.com, www.galavantequestrian.com Gold, Silver and Bronze medalist. Self-trained horses to Grand Prix. FEI trainer, coach & competitor, USDF Certified Instructor.

  • Natalia Martin-Fukuda, Art of Riding, 703-795-1975, NataliaMartin@artofridingllc.com, www.artofridingllc.com, USDF Gold Medalist, International GP, and Games rider. Training, board, lessons (live and virtual), clinics, biomechanics, and show coaching for all levels.

  • Nicholas Fyffe - 561-249-9011, nicholas@marcusfyffedressage.com, www.marcusfyffedressage.com, MFD offers full training, sales, show coaching, and clinics to their clients. Horses in full training benefit from impeccable care at MFD FARM in Loxahatchee Groves.

  • Michelle Gibson - 678-575-1201, mgibsondressage@gmail.com, www.michellegibsondressage.com, Full training for horse and or rider, lessons (including online), horse shopping, clinics.

  • Paula Matute Guimón - 561-307-3691, Paulamatute@icould.com, www.paulamatute.com. Offers year-round full board, and full training as well as horse sales. Just 5 minutes from Global Dressage Festival.

  • Mary Ann Grant- 561-301-5817, Mary_anngrant@hotmail.com, www.grant-farms.com Training young horses to Grand Prix

  • Mary Haskins Gray - 336-709-5022, maryhaskinsdressage@gmail.com. Training and developing horses to the highest level and helping ambitious riders and horse owners achieve their goals

  • Justin Hardin - justinhardin@mac.com, 908.745.9400, Grand Prix rider training in Wellington / Loxahatchee as well as popular at clinics. Will Travel.

  • Susan Jaccoma - 561-818-3354, sujacomma@aol.com, www.mayfaireoaks.com Dressage Training, Training level thru Grand Prix

  • Bent Jensen- 561-723-5597, BJDressage@aol.com, Training thru Grand Prix Nationally and Internationally.

  • Laura Ashley Killian – 717-682-1898, LauraAshleyDressage@gmail.com, www.LauraAshleyDressage.com USDF Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist, Grand Prix Dressage Rider & FEI Trainer

  • Rosalind Kinstler - Rkinstler@msn.com 7342764769, lessons and coaching. Experience with NAYC, National Finals and Paradressage

  • Jessica Kissel - 561-385-2577, SerenityFarmEquine@hotmail.com, www.Serenitydressage.com Dressage training and Lessons. Will travel

  • Jessica Kozel - 561-800-7567, jessjlk@gmail.com, Classical dressage training for both horse and rider from beginner to Grand Prix

  • Micha Knol (352) 233 7301, mrkdressage@gmail.com, https://www.mrkdressage.com/sale-horses Dutch Grand Rider and USDF Gold medalist. Quality dressage horses for sale imported from Europe. Offers full training, Lessons, Show Coaching, and Clinics.

  • Kelly Layne - 720-335-8474, Klayne505@gmail.com Full-Service, Full-Training competition stable. Young horses to Grand Prix

  • Lisa C. Lewis - 609-670-5958, Barnrat5958@yahoo.com, Lessons, Training, Boarding, Sales. Will travel or you can trailer in. Specializing in Adult Amateurs.

  • Jeffrey Lord - 561-252-9316, lorddressage@hotmail.com, www.lorddressage.com Dressage training for horse and rider. Training level to Grand Prix

  • David Marcus - 561-797-5829, david@marcusfyffedressage.com, www.marcusfyffedressage.com. MFD offers full training, sales, show coaching, and clinics to their clients. Horses in full training benefit from impeccable care at MFD FARM in Loxahatchee Groves.

  • Julie McKean - 609-571-0187, julieemckean@gmail.com, www.jemdressage.com, Offers year-round board, dry stalls, in a new facility located in beautiful Deer Run. Training through FEI, lessons, year-round.

  • Hannah Michaels - 207-333-1572, Dressage@hannahmichaels.com, www.hannah-michaels.com Offers Full Training from young horses to Grand Prix. Classical training that focuses on rider position.

  • Megan Michaels - 301-512-9236, Meganmichaels520@gmail.com, www.MeganMichaelsdressage.com Dressage, Show Jumping, Will travel for lessons, Coaching at shows, Sales and Clinics.

  • Leslie Morse, 818-631-2121, lmorse2@mac.com, www.morsedressage.com, Experienced & Professional Offers full training, Sales, Show Coaching, and Clinics. Preparation and marketing, finding your matched horse.

  • Mikala Münter, 561-452-7633. Facebook: Mikala Munter and Mikala Münter Dressage.Instagram: mikalamunter. Email: mikalamunter@gmail.com. Owner of Bell Tower Farm located on Wellington Trace, Wellington, FL. Offering year-round and seasonal Dry stalls, Training, Clinics, and Online Training, as well as Horse sales.

  • Kerensa Muller - 561-758-8101, kmuller3@yahoo.com, Dressage Training- Specializing in creating harmony between horse and rider.

  • Sasha Newman DuBois, 5619512184, Sasha.newman@gmail.com. National levels through Grand Prix Consignment horses Top quality imports Boutique care and training.

  • Claudio Oliveria - 561-818-6045, Claudio.horse@hotmail.com, www.Serenitydressage.com Training, Lessons, Long Lining, In handwork for piaffe and passage. Will travel to barns.

  • Endel Ots - 920-562-5714, endelots@gmail.com, www.OtsDressage.com Offers full training, Sales, Show Coaching, and Clinics.

  • Arlene “Tuny” Page - 501 - 371 - 3511, tunefull2@icloud.com, Lessons & coaching (limited). dedicated riders and any level.

  • Susan Remondini - 561-901-5800, scremondini@gmail.com, www.qecdressage.com Offering quality, and classical dressage instruction, training, clinics & evaluation of horses for sale. Sales and Marketing of quality dressage horses.

  • Katie Riley - 561-262-9462, ktriey72@gmail.com, Katie is a USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist and enjoys working with horses and riders of all levels. She has ridden and trained young horses to the Grand Prix level and has qualified for and placed in multiple US National Championships for Young and Developing Horses. As a coach, her students have had success in Pony, Junior, Young Rider, and Adult Amateur Championships as well as a US National Championships and International Championships in open divisions. Will travel.

  • Shaana Risley - 561-818-4857, ShaanaRisley@gmail.com, Facebook.com/FriezeFrame, Training, Boarding, Photography at show or farm. Specializing in PRE's & German riding ponies.

  • Raul Roa, 224-440-4449, rarovad@gmail.com  Trainer certified from Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art o Jerez,  Grand Prix trainer in Spain,  Bronze and Silver Medal in USEF. Specializes in Piaffe and Passage from the ground and work in hand. Will travel. 

  • Caroline Roffman - 617-633-1003, Curoffman@gmail.com, Sales

  • King Santacruz & Natalie Regel - 304-905-3559, info@santacruzdressage.com, www.Santacruzdressage.com Boarding: year-round and seasonal, training, sales, show coaching, braiding, breed show & inspection handling.

  • Allyn Schiavone - 561-371-6885, allynschivone@bellsouth.com, Training and teaching all levels.

  • Ilse Schwarz - 561-714-6264, ilse@dressage-news.com, www.ilseschwwarzdressage.com Training riders and horses to Grand Prix. Young horse competition specialist, Select quality sales horses, European shopping trips

  • Vincent Serrano - vincent.serrano@hotmail.fr, Ride, Trainer, Will Travel 

  • Oded Shimoni - 561-308-7778, osdressage@gmail.com, www.odedshimonidressage.com Oded accepts horses in training, conducts clinics, and promotes sales horses.

  • Shayna Simon Dressage is at Equidae Dressage Stables, located at 19301 W Sycamore Dr, Loxahatchee 33470 Tel: 916-342-4442 Shayna is a GP trainer and rider. She’s developed 3 year olds to Grand Prix. She left Arroyo Del Mar and followed her trainee to Wellington in preparation for the Paralympics. She has her Gold para trainer certificate from USEF and successfully took her rider, Beatrice de Lavalette, to the Tokyo 2020(+1) Paralympics. She also works with other riders who competed at the Paris 2024 para Olympics . Shayna trains able-bodied and para equestrians at the high-performance training center in Loxahatchee. Truck-in training, boarding, virtual training, clinics; and the training center also offers PEMF Pulse treatments for horses and riders.

  • Nancy Smith - 352-406-3099, nsmith2132@aol.com, www.equisentialinc.com Located at Palm Beach Equine Sports Complex. Happy to work with all students with a genuine desire to learn how to partner with their horses.

  • Amy Speck-Kern - 414-550-1176, Amy.speckkern@gmail.com, www.exceldressage.com USEF “R” licensed official. Training, Lessons, Sales of Top quality European horses.

  • Adam Steffens - ajsdressagehorses@gmail.com 561.352.8423 Wellington, FL year around Offering Full Training Individual Rides Private Lessons Clinics

  • Tara Stegen - 561-714-2335, Stegendressage@hotmail.com, Training, Clinics and Sales. Training level to Grand Prix (and Jumpers)

  • Acacia Tsamoutales (321)614-6007 acaciatsam@gmail.com I offer full training board as well as sales out of a beautiful, peaceful, and private stable centrally located in Wellington. I also travel offsite for lessons and training. I am a USDF bronze and silver medalist, a 2023 NAYC team gold medalist, and individually earned a top 5 finish at the 2023 Festival of Champions. I ride under the training and mentorship of International Grand Prix rider Micah Deligdish.

  • Sarah Lockman Tubman & Lee Tubman, Sldressage@gmail.com, 949-394-7068 (Sarah), 561-358-9077 (Lee), Sldressage.com Leetubman.com, Training, clinics, sales

  • Werner Van Den Brande - 561-379-7936, wernervdb76@hotmail.com, www.dressagestablevdb.com Sales and Training, will travel or trailer in

  • Marciel Van Den Burgh - 561-452-4244, marciel.vandenburgh@hotmail.com Sport horse sales, Training, Boarding. Lessons are available on horses through the Grand Prix. Will travel

  • Betsy Van Dyke - 231-357-2778, Betsyvandyke@hotmail.com, Trained horses up through the dressage levels from Training Level to Gran Prix. From starting young horses to dealing with specific training issues to finishing the Grand Prix.

  • Rebecca Waite - 207 694 2412,  info@rebeccawaitedressage.com, www.rebeccawaitedressage.com, Services: on-site and off-site training, lessons, clinics 

  • Judy Westlake - 207-831-3963, judy@judywestlake.com, www.judywestlake.com Lessons, Training, Sales, & Clinics. Training level to FEI.

  • Noel Williams - 740-272-6579, NoelWilliamsDressage@gmail.com Training, Sales, Lessons, Clinics and Judging. Specializing in young horses and developing to Grand Prix.

  • Jody Wilson - 469-426-5712, Jody.Wilson1@outlook.com, USDF - Bronze, Silver, Gold Medalist. Training, sales, and coaching, focusing on rider and horse development.

  • Leah Winston - 772-888-5188, Dressage Training, Young horses

  • Andrea Woodard Dressage LLC - Info@woodarddressage.com, 5617798388, www.woodarddressage.com Offers full training programs as well as single lessons. High-quality dressage horses for sale. Assistance with finding your new perfect equine partner. Development of international leveled dressage horses and riders.

  • Cindi Wylie - crosewylie@verizon.net, CindiWylie.com Lessons, Clinics, Judging, Coaching at Shows. USDF Certified FEI level Instructor, USEF S Judge with extensive experience bringing both horses and riders from green to the Grand Prix level.  Happy to work with horses and riders of all levels and backgrounds. Located in White Fences, will travel.

Year-Round Wellington Services

  • Kate Ballard, 847-533-9388, kate@westhillandson.com, www.westhillandson.com, SMS Master Saddler Professional Saddle Fitter.

  • Beachwood Integrative Equine Therapy, 877-788-4325, info@beachwoodRI.org, www.beachwoodRI.org, Integrative Equine Therapy for performance anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms of stress. Specializing in Mother-Daughter, young adult, and adult support in Wellington FL.

  • Pam Davies Dressage & Sales, 314-496-0881, pdavies2006@aol.com, Sales & Marketing of quality FEI horses. Professionals and amateurs alike appreciate Pam's integrity for appropriately matching the horse with the right rider.

  • Michael & Bianca DeLuna Owners and Operators of DeLuna Equine Services. DeLuna Equine Services is a full-service equestrian concierge business specializing in laser therapy, braiding, training, coaching, clinics, and horse sales. Available year-round in Wellington, FL. Michael DeLuna: (415)-307-9111 Bianca DeLuna, Bereiter FN: (561)-890-9225

  • Jean-Pierre Hourdebaight - 561-537-0366, Massage Therapist, Human-Equine-Canine

  • Diane Sasscer - 561-818-6913 is an independent saddle-fitter serving Wellington, FL, and the surrounding area. Diane has been providing personalized saddle-fitting services for over 20 years and would love to help you. She is knowledgeable and able to fit most brands of saddles on site. She is available year-round for service and/or sales. Or, if you are in the market for a new saddle, Diane stocks Veritas and Albion saddles. Both brands are quality products with wood trees and wool flocking. www.Saddlefitbydiane.com,Saddlefitbydiane@gmail.com

  • Dakotah Thiery - Advanced Thiery Equine Dentistry - 561-723-4980, Advancedthiery@gmail.com, Dedicated to providing high-quality dental care to all disciplines of the equestrian field, focusing on whole mouth balancing to maintain strength, integrity allowing them to perform comfortably and excel in all aspects of life.

  • Mac Thompson, 561-371-5814, pirateleatherworksllc@gmail.com, Repair - Boots, Handbags, Tack, custom leatherwork, and more. Over 25 years of experience. Pick up and deliver.

Lynda Alicki - 561-373-9393 AlickiL@bellsouth.net

Lynda Alicki - 561-373-9393 AlickiL@bellsouth.net

Heather Bender - Treasure Coast Dressage 561-596-1519 www.Heather Bender.com

Heather Bender - Treasure Coast Dressage 561-596-1519 www.Heather Bender.com

Raul Corchuelo - 561-541-1372 www.Rancor-dressage.com

Raul Corchuelo - 561-541-1372 www.Rancor-dressage.com

Mary ann Grant- 561-301-5817 mary_anngrant@hotmail.com

Mary ann Grant- 561-301-5817 mary_anngrant@hotmail.com

Bent Jensen 561-723-5597 BJDressage@aol.com

Bent Jensen 561-723-5597 BJDressage@aol.com

Kelly Layne - 720-335-8474 Klayne505@gmail.com

Kelly Layne - 720-335-8474 Klayne505@gmail.com

Paula Matute - 561 307 3691 Paulamatute@icloud.com www.paulamatute.com

Paula Matute - 561 307 3691 Paulamatute@icloud.com www.paulamatute.com

Betsy Van Dyke 231-357-2778 Betsyvandyke@hotmail.com

Betsy Van Dyke 231-357-2778 Betsyvandyke@hotmail.com

Tara Stegen - Tara Stegen Dressage 561-714-2335

Tara Stegen - Tara Stegen Dressage 561-714-2335

Bianca Tota Excelsior Dressage INC 203-252-8531

Excelsior Dressage INC 203-252-8531